How You Can Get Involved

The Business Cares Food Drive recognizes that taking care of business means taking care of people…

Here are a few ways that 
you and your business can help:

  • Register to take part in the Business Cares Food Drive online
  • Donate a bag of groceries
  • Encourage employees to get involved with the Food Drive
  • Select suitable locations to place posters and boxes to store and collect food
  • Recruit other businesses, suppliers, competitors and neighbours to take part in the Food Drive
  • Make a Donation using our online donation service or make a cheque payable to “Business Cares Food Drive.”
  • Setup a committee for next year!

These few items can help 
feed a family of four for 4 days:

  • 2 boxes of cereal
  • 2 bags of pasta and 4 cans of pasta sauce
  • Jar of peanut butter
  • 3 cans of beans
  • 4 large cans of soup
  • 2 cans of stew
  • Large box of crackers
  • Baby formula
  • Disposable diapers
  • Jars of baby food

Here is a brief description of 
how your donations can help a family:

A $150 donation – Family Package

Will help support a family of 4 for one week with a package that may include, but is not limited to, 2 boxes of cereal, 2 bags of pasta, 4 cans of pasta sauce, 1 jar of peanut butter, 3 cans of beans, 4 large cans of soup, 2 cans of stew, and 1 large box of crackers, in addition to fresh food items as available.

A $100 donation – Baby Package

Will provide a mother with a case of baby food, a container of formula, 3 packages of diapers, baby shampoo, cream, and other baby necessities.

A $75 donation – Protein and Dairy Package

Will give a family peanut butter, tuna, spaghetti with meat sauce, beans, cheese, milk and other protein rich foods!

A $50 donation – Start the Day Right Package

Will provide breakfast and enable a family to send needy kids off to school with a full tummy. Will include, but not be limited to, cereal, milk, bread, peanut butter, jam, fruit cups, and juice for a family of 4 for one week.

You can make your donation at:

Online Donations are accepted HERE